Wall of Fame

Reid S.

I gained 9 lines of vision in 6 weeks by patching the left eye 6-8 hours per day!!!!

Samuel T.

Patching is not my thing, I use an occlusive contact lens instead!

Yanick L.

I fought amblyopia for 7 years and won!!! Vision is 20/25

Isabella & Amelia

Anderson P.

Dr. Duss said “You can now be a pilot!” I don’t think I will be a pilot, but at least I know I’m not limited by my laziness anymore. Read my full story on the blog!


A preschool vision screening helped save my eyesight and now I have 20/20 vision! Read my full story on the blog!


Check out my Patch Work Art!

Isabelle P.

Strabismus Surgery Before & After

Nathanial M.

I fought deprivation amblyopia and won!!! Vision is 20/30